About Sai Saileshwara

Saileshwara shares all he has learned, so others may also realize the ultimate.
Saileshwara’s story is one of self-mastery.

Having suffered tremendously, both physically and mentally, Saileshwara turned inward to find strength and answers.

He has dived deep within, practiced meditation and Self-studied for 27 years.

-   Sai Saileshwara

A Brief History of Sai Saileshwara

Sailesh Chand Darshan was born in the paradise of the Fiji Islands. He grew up in an ordinary working class family and is the youngest of seven children.


At the age of 19, he was diagnosed with a giant cell tumour in his knee. The tumour was very rare. It was a one in a million affliction and the only treatment available in Fiji was an amputation. Therefore he and his family decided to go to New Zealand in search of a treatment. 

In New Zealand he was told to have an amputation and was diagnosed with lesions in his lungs – indicating the disease was progressively getting very serious. He was advised by the doctors that even with an amputation, he would not live long.

Sailesh decided against having the amputation. This was a last minute decision following a dream he had of Sathya Sai Baba on the morning of his scheduled amputation.

The rest of his incredible time in India and the mind boggling spiritual journey he took to not only recover, but to thrive, is detailed in the book,

Sai Saileshwara – the making of a master.

For decades, Saileshwara and his wife Marina and two children have been devoted to spirituality and meditation, creating a strong community in Brisbane, Australia and beyond. He has traveled extensively, connecting with many Masters in different countries.

Saileshwara is himself a priest observing Hindu practices and he respects all religions. He has helped people from different faiths to connect to the spiritual underpinnings of their own faith traditions. 

Many people visit him at his home which has a beautiful shrine dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba.

His teachings do not require people to give up their belief systems. To get the most benefit, they need a willingness to develop self awareness and introspection. 

Sharing spiritual knowledge is his mission and purpose.

Saileshwara started a small group that conducted yagnas (vedic fire rituals) on a weekly basis.  This group grew to become ‘Sai Samaj’ which still meets today. In 2000 Saileshwara met Marina and they have two children, Sai Eashan and Vaishnavi Sai.

A Remarkable Life

This short video captures a remarkable life based on love and devotion to
God – the Soul within.

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