How to let go of pain and suffering


We are all on this karma bhoomi – the place where we work out our karma. It is inevitable that we will suffer. You will need to suffer. But why do you create even more suffering for yourself? You suffer because your mind is not peaceful. In fact, you suffer most in your mind. If you ask anyone what they ultimately want, they say they want happiness and peace. What is peace to them? It means no pain and no stress. Having no dramas is what they call peace.

What brings peace in your life? The answer is non-attachment. Non-attachment means you are not fixated or emotionally tied to an outcome you want. It means you can accept the outcome, whatever it is. It also means you can accept this moment, just the way it is. You are not trying to control situations, relationships, moments. You take them just the way they are. You are not attached but understand that all these things, are just fleeting, like passing clouds. It also means you do not attach yourself to things and situations that disturb your peace.

Many people ask me how they can get over their suffering. I ask them – is suffering holding on to you, or are you holding on to suffering?
Many people ask me how they can get over their suffering. I ask them – is suffering holding on to you, or are you holding on to suffering?

Focus on letting go of the things that you don’t need to keep. For example, if you are holding on to a heavy dumbbell, you will be fine for five minutes. But what happens after a few hours, a day, a week, a month? Can you hold on for that long without suffering? You will get uneasiness, then tension, then pain, then some long-term damage perhaps like high blood pressure. Holding on to past hurts in your mind is the same. You are holding on whilst the event or hurt has long passed. The past is not here in the now. It only lives on in your memory.

Tell yourself – all my happiness is my choice. I am in charge. I am in charge of every thought, I’m in charge of every word and I am in charge of every action which I do. I let go of all those things that I have been holding it up till now and I let it go. I think, I speak, and I act as a free being. I live eternally in the Now. I am Soul.
You have so much to be grateful for. You as Atma, (soul) be grateful for living in this body. If you understand the power of who you really are, all these pressures you feel and invoke, will slowly diminish. You are God in this body. You are God in this mind. You are God in this Prana. Start to feel the gratitude inside of you. How can you find gratefulness inside of you? The best way is to look within and start searching and reflect on all the good things you have achieved. Reflect on all your good qualities, your talents, your achievements. You should go back to the core, original being who you are. See what you were, what you are becoming, and what you will become. Look inside yourself. When you go back and start looking at what you have gone through and have achieved, you appreciate yourself and your life. Focus on all your good qualities. Focus on the positive. Be grateful for being the way you are and what you have achieved. Break the pattern of dwelling on the past, dwelling on the negatives and dwelling on the hurts. Break it today. Be content for what you are and what you have.

To let go of all suffering in the now, be your Self. Just be the pure Atma that you truly are. As Atma you have no attachments, you are free. Do everything with full dhyana, full focus and awareness. Put positive focus in all that you do and all you are. Currently you do things for the sake of doing only. Just doing is not what you are here for. Learn to be.

Let go of the suffering in the now. Don’t keep invoking it into the present and spoiling your future.

You are not here for karma only but awakening.